Humble Beginnings

Teuila’s creative influences and journey to jewellery making although she didn’t realise it at the time, started at a young age.  Her very first style icons were that of both her parents, two very different personalities of opposing energies that taught her the possibilities of what opposite worlds could produce when creativity collides with practicality. Two qualities of the do it yourself generation where every day living required a little problem solving, ingenuity and innovative ways of making something out of nothing. The juxtaposition of her parent’s personalities can be seen in Teuila’s creative expression and professional practice which has a unique balance that is hard to deny – an inspired combination of hard and soft, of masculine and feminine, of free form expression yet endlessly striving for perfection.  Teuila has continued this mantra of accute attention to detail and inserts a reverence into every part of her brand. She believes accessories are an extension and should be treated as pieces of art.